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Hi, my name is Gerald,

for 30 years, I have been a 'travel guide' to learning and change helping leaders achieve their objectives and build strong teams. I’m a German engineer by education and a passionate change leadership coach and performing artist. Living in Germany, Australia and now Shanghai has allowed me to work with people from all Europe, the US, China, Japan, Australia, Korea, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and more.After my Mechanical Engineering (PhD) studies in Chemnitz I started working for Daimler in Stuttgart in 1991 and soon became member in their change management team. That’s when I began to study culture change, leadership coaching, group dynamics, psychology and transactional analysis. I had the invaluable opportunity to directly learn from most advanced scholars like Edgar H. Schein, David Kantor, Larry Hirschhorn, Wolfgang Looss, Hans Jellouschek, Claus Otto Scharmer, Matthias Varga von Kibed, Richard Timel and more. In 1999 I co-founded deloop management consulting in Stuttgart and in 2015 deloop management consulting Asia in Hong Kong. I was fortunate enough to coach many leaders and leadership teams of different cultures globally in companies like DAIMLER, HEIDELBERGER Druck, ATLAS, Lufthansa, HERAEUS, BMW, VW, Evonic, PORSCHE, ASAM, DÜRR, HERAEUS, DEUTSCHE BAHN, Raiffeisen Bank, Rolls Royce and more. My Executive Programs include: Hernstein General Management Program (HGMP) in Vienna, Corporate Entrepreneurship in China (CEIC) with innova in Shanghai, and projects in APAC with OSB international.


Why do I have to enter my email and password?

When signing up the platform teachable will ask students to enter a valid email address as their user name and define a personal password for their school account here so they access all course data and your certificate upon completion. This password is NOT the same password to the email you use. You should define a new (ideally different) password. Only you know and have access to it.

Do I get a certificate of participation?

Yes, you do. Upon course completion an email is automatically sent to you with the link to your certificate. Participants can also manually log in to their account using their email and password to download their personal certificate.

What if I forgot my Password?

If you forgot your password, you can follow the instructions on this link: