What to learn?

Discover people's deeper motivational forces. Strengthen your skills to tap into your own and your team’s intrinsic motivators. Learn to listen to your passion and and live your potential, feel fullfilled and and perform at the same time. Get to know tools, questions and process steps that help you find out about these things with your own team members so they will contribute the best and be forever grateful you helped them become what they want to be.

Dr. Gerald Renger shares invaluable experiences and real cases from 30 years of global coaching experience.

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Hi, my name is Gerald,

I’m here as your travel guide to learning and change helping you reach your goals. I’m a German engineer by education and a passionate change leadership coach and performing artist. Living in Germany, Australia and now Shanghai has allowed me to work with people from all Europe, the US, China, Japan, Australia, Korea, India, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and more. After my Mechanical Engineering (PhD) studies in Chemnitz I started working for Daimler in Stuttgart in 1991 and soon became member in Dieter Zetsche’s change management team. That’s when I began to study culture change, leadership coaching, group dynamics, psychology and transactional analysis. I had the invaluable opportunity to directly learn from most advanced scholars like Edgar H. Schein, David Kantor, Larry Hirschhorn, Wolfgang Looss, Hans Jellouschek, Claus Otto Scharmer, Matthias Varga von Kibed, Richard Timel and more. In 1999 I co-founded deloop management consulting in Stuttgart and in 2015 deloop management consulting Asia. I was fortunate enough to coach many leaders and leadership teams of different cultures globally in companies like DAIMLER, HEIDELBERGER Druck, ATLAS, Lufthansa, HERAEUS, BMW, VW, Evonic, PORSCHE, ASAM, DÜRR, HERAEUS, DEUTSCHE BAHN, Raiffeisen Bank, Rolls Royce and more. My Executive Programs include: Hernstein General Management Program (HGMP) in Vienna, Corporate Entrepreneurship in China (CEIC) with innova in Shanghai, and projects in APAC with OSB international

Coach Credentials Gerald

"...Since 2017 WAGNER Group is nurturing an inspiring cooperation for global management development with Deloop Asia. Dr. Gerald Renger supports international WAGNER leaders and talents in multiple tailored webinars. I especially appreciate Gerald’s intercultural experiences that help us to deepen leadership topics with multiple perspectives. Facilitating contents in German and English Gerald can offer highest quality from a single source."
Mirna Loy, Director People Development & Culture, J. Wagner GmbH

"... is a combination of sharp to the point feedback style with a matured sensitivity to people's feeling and level of acceptance. A good consultant who carries the charming competence to keep coachees open in their minds which is the basis particularly with cross cultural differences." - Joy Zhou Yue, GM & Board Member VW Financial Services Beijing, China

“ ... a highly individual training style that is tailored specifically to the needs of the different managers which is brilliant support.” - Kerstin Gessler, GM at Rolls Royce Ltd, Germany

"…a unique professional, who understands and appreciates both Western and Asian cultures, connects people from different backgrounds smoothly and helps them work together to achieve the company’s targets" - Weiming Zhang, Head of R&D and Sales, Heraeus US/China

"... a humoristic easygoing coach with an accurate and deep understanding of each trainees personal needs" - Simon Noome, Head of Customer Service, Liebherr Component Technologies AG, Straßbourg, France

 “… one of the most influential and inspiring people I’ve met. His leadership coaching style is unique and precious. A powerful coach and trainer for executives in strategy and change.” - Marc Tran, GM Asia Sales at Woodward, China

"I’m happy to know Gerald as co-designer and co-facilitator of the General Manager-Program 'Corporate Entrepreneurship in China', a great coaching and learning journey I joined in 2019/20. Laurenz and Gerald, the coaches, give you great ideas and guidance how to improve yourself and your organization. You also get real business life insights from other leaders facing similar challenges. Since it is spread over one year the program provides ample opportunities for practical application of tools and approaches and progress review with coaches and peers. I can only highly recommend this program. It has helped me and my company a lot when it came to successfully navigating through the COVID-19 crisis." - Andreas Hornfischer, General Manager, E.G.O. Components, Taicang, China

"... is a unique Executive Coach with extremely extensive experience as a coach and trainer in Germany, the USA and Asia. I have worked with him very successfully and often and can highly recommend his program." - Georg Remmers, Global Head of People & Organizational Development, Heraeus

 “... triggers un-dogmatic thinking which is especially helpful with senior management.‘ - Andreas Liebheit, President and Head of global BU Chemicals, Precious Metal Pastes, Frankfurt, Germany

"I’ve always enjoyed working with Gerald because of his rich experience in Change Management both theoretical & practical, his openness for learning & adapting to customer needs, and his kind personality to connect with participants. A great and stable performance in years of cooperation." – Alex Ying Xie Volkswagen Group China HR, Academy Beijing, China

“Great to see you continue the excellent coaching and team development we have come to experience with you!” - Pete Horan, Senior VP Global Operations at Heraeus and at Bucknell University Singapore 

Participant voices:

  • Thanks Gerald. Really fun and good opportunity to learn about different generations
  • well done, structured and interesting, well presented and very good to listen to
  • the course is really useful. Often we don’t take out enough time to observe and listen but instead just doing things my own way